Code snippet: SPARQL Query Graph Density

Code snippet: SPARQL Query Graph Density

I’m testing out sharing SPARQL code snippets using Github Gist features. I’ll be adding more as I work through more graph-specific examples using SPARQLverse, but here is my first one:

Ideally we’d have a common landing place for building up a library of these kinds of examples.

Published by

Tyler Mitchell

Product and marketing leader, author and technology writer in NoSQL, big data, graph analytics, and geospatial. Follow me @1tylermitchell or get my book from

SELECT (?nrEdges/(?nrNodes *(?nrNodes - 1.0)) AS ?graphDensity)
FROM <graphName>
{ SELECT (COUNT (*) AS ?nrEdges) (COUNT (DISTINCT ?person) AS ?nrNodes)
WHERE { ?person <knows> ?anotherPerson . }
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