QGIS Training Manual and Locate Press changes

Today’s an exciting day on several accounts…

First, it’s the day that Locate Press’s second title is now starting to become available through Amazon!  There are several titles in the works but this one made it past the post first.

This relates also to my second item…  I’ve stepped back from Locate Press over the past month to hand the leadership over to Gary Sherman.  This is really good news for all our readers and future authors, because he will have more time than I did to keep things moving forward.

Personally, my day job is demanding enough for me at the moment and I knew it wasn’t going to get any easier, so finding a replacement to take over the company was a no-brainer.  Gary’s been involved with Locate Press from the very beginning and knows the toolchain, editorial processes and publishing paradigm just as well as I ever did.  In fact, he single handedly put the QGIS Training Manual into production, which was inspiring to watch from the sidelines.

I’m still around and helping where needed, but am focused on my continuing work with Actian Corp which is growing and innovating in some interesting ways – it’s a great company to being working with and I’ll share more as things progress there.

By the way, with this transition, it’s a great time to pitch your new geospatial book ideas to Gary – drop him a note!

Thanks for all the support I received when launching Locate Press!!

Published by

Tyler Mitchell

Product and marketing leader, author and technology writer in NoSQL, big data, graph analytics, and geospatial. Follow me @1tylermitchell or get my book from http://locatepress.com/gpt

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