VIDEO: Kibana 3 Dashboard – 3 Use Cases Demonstrated

Kibana dashboards, from the Elasticsearch project, can help you visualise activity and incidents in log files. Here I show 3 different types of use cases for dashboards and how each can be used to answer different questions depending on the person.  Video and details follow. Continue reading VIDEO: Kibana 3 Dashboard – 3 Use Cases Demonstrated

Running Gephi graph vizualization on OSX Mavericks (10.9.5)

Gephi visualization running on OSX
Gephi running on OSX – showing Tyler’s social network from LinkedIn

Having trouble launching latest Gephi on OSX?  I’m running Mavericks but I’m sure this will help others who have upgraded or who are still running older versions of OSX.

From command line, use the jdkhome parameter when launching Gephi and point it to the system Java 1.6 install:

$ cd /Applications/
$ ./Gephi --jdkhome /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/


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