My new book on Amazon – raster/vector data manipulation using GDAL/OGR

Geospatial Power Tools by Tyler Mitchell now on Amazon
Geospatial Power Tools by Tyler Mitchell now on Amazon

Ten years ago I wrote a book for O’Reilly called Web Mapping Illustrated – using open source GIS tools. It was mostly about how to use MapServer and PostGIS to publish maps on the web and was the first of its kind in the marketplace.

This year I’ve completed my second book, for Locate Press, which focused on even more low level geospatial data manipulation using the GDAL/OGR command line tools. This was a work-in-progress for a couple of years, but has just now been released on Amazon as Geospatial Power Tools.

If you’re looking for a resource to understand how to convert imagery, vector data or to build elevation shaded maps or contours, and more, then this book is for you. It includes complete GDAL and OGR documentation. A third of the book presents new material geared to help you learn how to do specific kinds of processing tasks – from downloading from web services, to quickly converting imagery into an online map. A PDF version is also available and Kindle will likely come over the next 6 months.

I’m always interested in feedback on the book and to learn more about how to improve the next edition.

Published by

Tyler Mitchell

Product and marketing leader, author and technology writer in NoSQL, big data, graph analytics, and geospatial. Follow me @1tylermitchell or get my book from

5 thoughts on “My new book on Amazon – raster/vector data manipulation using GDAL/OGR”

  1. Congratulations Tyler! This book will no doubt be a valuable resource for many. We’ll have to buy a copy or two for Safe.

    All the best,


    1. @Ginetto That is not us selling through Amazon, some other seller! Our price will be €31 when it starts to show on there.. Amazon direct!

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