Partitioned Data & Why It Matters

Would love to hear how you partition your spatial data..

As data volumes grow, so does your need to understand how to partition your data.  Until you understand this distributed storage concept, you will be unable to choose the best approach for the job.  This post gives an introductory explanation of partitioning and you will see why it is integral to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) increasingly used in modern big data architectures….

Read the full article on Make Data Useful >>

Home Energy Monitor Series – Internet of Things

Recently I started an Internet of Things series on my experiences installing, using and analysing data from a smart electrical meter.  This included a BC Hydro smart meter, Eagle monitoring gateway from rainforest automation, and a cloud-based analytics service from Bidgely.

I’ve collated all the posts on the topic for you below.  More will be added as I write them.  Enjoy!

Continue reading Home Energy Monitor Series – Internet of Things

IoT Day 2: Cloud Services for Energy Monitoring

Energy monitoring isn’t only about knowing what’s happening right now, but also understanding what happened historically.  Often that includes knowing not just what was happening but also when and why.  Enter cloud services for energy monitoring.  They range from simple charts and graphs to predicting your usage over time – essentially storing, analysing and enriching your raw data.
In this post I review two cloud services that I’ve tried so far and show you what you get from them. Continue reading IoT Day 2: Cloud Services for Energy Monitoring

IoT Day 1: Home Energy Monitoring

Eagle energy home monitoring IoT device
Eagle energy home monitoring IoT device


In my next series of blog posts we explore an Internet of Things topic – Home energy monitoring – from a first person perspective.  Join me as I install, use and hack a monitor (and related cloud services) in my new home.

This is part 1 of a series of posts about the Internet of Things applied to Home Energy Monitoring.

See my post from Day 2 – starting to use Cloud Services. Continue reading IoT Day 1: Home Energy Monitoring

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