Update: All copies are gone! If you want Geospatial Desktop or Geospatial Power Tools – go to LocatePress.com – quantity discounts available. For Web Mapping Illustrated go to Amazon.
I’m giving away a couple copies of my circa 2005 classic book. Details below… When O’Reilly published Web Mapping Illustrated – Using Open Source GIS Toolkits – nothing like it existed on the market. It was a gamble but worked out well in the end.
Primarily focused on MapServer, GDAL/OGR and PostGIS, it is a how-to guide for those building web apps that included maps. That’s right, you couldn’t just use somebody else’s maps all the time – us geographers needed jobs, after all.
To help give you the context of the times, a couple months before the final print date, Google Maps, was released. I blithely added a reference to their site just in case it became popular.
The book is still selling today and though I haven’t reviewed it in a while, I do believe many of the concepts are still as valid as when it was written. In fact, it’s even easier to install and configure the apps now due to packaging and distribution options that didn’t exist back then. Note this was also a year before OSGeo.org’s collaborative efforts started to help popularise the tools further.
In celebration of 10 years of sales I have a couple autographed copies as giveaways to the first two people who don’t mind paying only for the shipping (about USD$8) and who drop me a note expressing their interest.
Additionally, I have some of Gary Sherman’s excellent Geospatial Desktop books as giveaways as well. Same deal, pay actual shipping cost only from my remote hut in northern Canada. Just let me know you’d like one of them and I’ll email you the PayPal details. Sorry, not autographed by Gary, though I was editor and publisher, so could scribble on it for you if desired.
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