I’m happy to announced that Locate Press has just released a “first look” preview edition of my latest book…
Geospatial Power Tools – Open Source GDAL / OGR Command Line Utilities
It’s a 310 page collection of all the GDAL/OGR command utility documentation, written by the GDAL Developers. Included are also about 100 pages of new content that shows more examples of how to use the various commands to do specific tasks. This will help those who may not know what command to use, but who know what task they want to do – i.e. convert an image, mosaic images, query a WFS, etc.
From discussions I had over the past few years, it seemed many people needed this book or knew a colleague who could use it. I know when I worked in forestry GIS and used these tools it was exciting, but my colleagues didn’t know about them and there wasn’t much available to help fill that gap. I hope this book effort does help.
This is a PDF version so far, but expect a Kindle and paperback version around the end of the year!
20% off sale this weekend
coupon code “firstlook”!